
Z-Dimension // PURE музички // Варуша ЮГ 2024

Музика, чиста му-зи-ка. Началото на края?
Не, края на началото, пак през август 2024, когато отново ще се съберем за нов Z-Dimension генгбенг.

В боя влизат:
MANASYt (live act)
Shamanez (vinyl dj set)
snakeatsnake (live act)
Backpullver (live act)
Snezhana (dj set)
Dragomir Syarov (dj set)
Mark_R (dj set)

Superior quality sound by L‑Acoustics.

Капацитетът е доста ограничен. Предварителното закупуване на билет ви гарантира достъп.

Билети: https://ra.co/events/1894692


Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/413330954808061


Z-Dimension is back! As always, no compromises on music and style. Only Jebel Basma service until the end of the world and beyond. This is a muzikal journey with biosynthetic deformations from the other dimension of electronic music. Z-Dimension comes with the old songs in a new voice. With items and things on a fine line. With rivers of ambrosia, analog meatballs and curved digital dances. Only for connoisseurs, without pretensions and without much talk. Just music, pure music.

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